The Soul Hour

A 90-min intensive where we will dive into a specific issue that’s most pressing in your life, right now. Expect an instant perspective shift & newly-found clarity with an action plan to take home.

  • Are you going round in circles about a specific issue?

  • Do you feel stuck in the same place with no clear way out?

  • Or is it maybe a repeating set of circumstances that you can’t wrap your head around?

THE SOUL HOUR is perfect for you if you’re looking for a quick & potent perspective & energy shift. You will walk away understanding the root cause of your issue plus an action plan to implement for guaranteed results.


Ahead of our meeting I will ask you to fill in an intake form so I have as much information as possible up front, maximising the time we have together.

AWARENESS - cognitive & somatic & spiritual tools

  • Recognising the pattern behind the issue

  • Identifying subconscious beliefs on the level of the mind & body - limiting, outdated, fears

  • Connecting with your higher self / inner mentor

EMBODIMENT - movement, somatics, visualisation

  • Create space for exploration & emotions to move

  • Encouraging self agency & confidence - you can choose a different outcome!

  • Rewire & heal the nervous system

ACTION - coaching frameworks

  • S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)

  • Grounding in a renewed sense of direction

Awareness is only the first step in changing your circumstances. It is the behaviour change and aligned & embodied action that creates the real transformation.

The systems & tools I use to aide us in this process: Human Design, EFT tapping, Somatics, Visualisation, Breathwork, Coaching frameworks, Self inquiry tools.

  • "Working with Hedi is a powerful experience. I had a session with her where we explored some of my blocks in the throat chakra. Hedi was able to hold a safe space for me to uncover some deep rooted issues and limiting beliefs I have on sharing my authentic voice. Our session together was really powerful and I left with so much insight about myself. That same night, I took up singing again for the first time in a decade. At first, I didn’t make the connection but it was clearly due to all of the release and healing that happened earlier that day. I’m very grateful to her and this healing experience."


  • "I felt a bigger shift after our first conversation than I felt during years of therapy. Hedi is very good at igniting a shift in people's perspective and state of mind. I felt a natural unfolding and softening that ultimately led me to open up and feel what I resisted. This brought on a deep sense of relief and liberation."


  • "Hedi is a fantastic coach! Her warm energy immediately made me feel comfortable. She guided me to turn my deepest insecurity into a powerful strength within minutes. I am so grateful for her healing words and wisdom. I recommend working with her 100%! She has a unique way of showing the bright side of a stressful situation."
